How an International Perspective and Lessons from 2008 Shaped an Axiom Derivatives Lawyer’s Career
A growth mindset and human touch have helped guide Glenn Gardner’s career in the financial services industry throughout different economic climates.
Supporting the Future of Legal Work at a Major Athletic Brand
How Axiom lawyer and team lead David McIntyre helps a major sportswear company make real progress toward their business goals.
A Unique Path to Product and Business Counsel at the Heart of Silicon Valley
How Axiom Lawyer Chad Woodford draws on his background as a software engineer to build a robust career in the tech industry, while pursuing passions for yoga and writing.
How this Axiom Lawyer is Reimagining the Legal Function
Building efficiencies to free up creativity and innovation at a major apparel company.
From the Courtroom to the Boardroom: Meet Axiom Attorney Ian
Get to know Ian Williams, an experienced Axiom lawyer who specializes in labor and employment law in Chicago who benefits from Axiom’s flexible employment model.
The Many Sides of Miami-based Axiom Lawyer Alina
Alina Denis Jarjour brings experience in life sciences, compliance, and mindfulness to her work and practices law in both English and Spanish.
Building Global Experience and Balancing Two Passions: Law and Kitesurfing
Hong Kong-based Julia Mac has grown as a legal professional and athlete with Axiom’s flexible employment model.
Bringing a Human Connection to Law and Ministry
Axiom lawyer Conan Chitham balances legal work with serving as a Minister in the Church of England.